Achieving the SDGs will require out of the box solutions and the simple craft of necklace making sparks creativity and empowers individuals to take action. Bead and Proceed provides the perfect environment for people to open up and discuss important issues while coming up with creative solutions together.
Inside each Kit are all the materials for you and six others need to make an ethically necklace, and includes:
Seven paint brushes
Seven stakes (to help you paint your beads)
Five beads each (total of 35 per Kit)
Eight paint colours(red, yellow, green, blue, orange, pink, white and black)
Bead and Proceed Roadmap (to facilitate the workshop yourself)
SDG Booklet (explains each SDGs in detail)
You Kit also pays for another Kit (to a low decile school or community organisation)
Participants come away with a sense of achievement as they have a stunning necklace they’ve made from scratch and it assists as a physical reminder of their daily commitment to the goals.
It also serves as a conversation starter to help educate others about the SDGs. Therefore, spreading the awareness and being a partner for the goals (SDG 17).
Our Kits are designed and made by the amazing people from Silence. Silence is an organisation located in Kolkata, India and provides decent employment to adults with mental and physical disabilities. Silence is a partner of Trade Aid and is Fair Trade certified (SDG 8).
Our paint is sourced from The Natural Paint Company, doing as little harm to the environment as possible. And for every square metre of area painted, The Natural Paint Company saves a square metre of rain forest (SDG 13 and 15). We ensure that whatever we do and whoever we work with are SDG aligned.
Of course… our one for one mode. For every Bead and Proceed Kit purchased, another is donated to a low decile school or deserving community organisation. It is of utmost importance to us that future generations are aware of the need to protect our world and are empowered as agents of positive change in their communities. We want to make sure all schools have access to our Kits and ensure fair and equal education (SDG 4).